Drogheda Grammar School

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Netball Reflection from Lauren, 6th Year

As someone who started their netball journey in the school and carried it on the whole way through to 6th year, it was amazing to see so many people joining in on the fun and our teams grow and progress for the past 6 years ..... This year proved to be a particularly successful year for all of our teams with 3 of our teams winning their finals and bringing home the trophy, and our first year team making it the whole way to the final battle (and for most it was only their first year playing!).  I can say for myself that with the help and support of all my teammates and Ms Jenkinson that netball was one of the biggest highlights of my year, and winning that final trophy on my last year in the school made it all the better.  I am beyond proud of my fellow teammates and friends who I've been playing with for the past 6 years and that we managed to find something that could take us away from the classroom and bring us all together doing something we loved.  I'd also like to say a huge congratulations to all the other teams and I hope to see the netball tradition continue.  That said, I'd also like to thank Ms Jenkinson for her commitment and continuous effort with the team.  On behalf of all the players I can say we all deeply appreciate it!